Media Response : Provincial PSL Team


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Having a PSL soccer team is a long term goal of the Northern Cape Provincial Government and we are still exploring various options and buying status directly from the PSL is just but one such option. The other option is supporting a Northern Cape Team in the Mvela League to make a breakthrough to the PSL. This entire matter is at its conceptual stage and therefore there is no dedicated budget for the project.

In the main, the Province is looking at mobilising business to invest in this venture and to this end we have had very productive engagements with many business people from the Province who showed a keen interest to invest in this initiative.

The reason for wanting a PSL Team is to ensure that the Province derives maximum benefits from sports tourism. We need to expose the Province to the enormous soccer fan base that is always prepared to travel and follow their teams. The fact that the Province does not have a team in the PSL for so many years, considering the enormous talent of young players in the Province, is an injustice that we need to stop because soccer is the biggest sport played in the Province. The smallest towns in the Province have soccer teams and we have an abundance of talent and it is now high time to create opportunities for growth for the soccer players from the province.

Above all, these are the small things that will instil a sense pride in the people of the Northern Cape.  We are of the view that we have a beautiful Province that we need to expose to the country and the whole world and sport is one of the measures that will put us in a position to do so.

Released by the Office of the Premier
Enquiries: Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, Spokesperson to the Premier, 083 447 6586, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.