The Northern Cape Province Premier Launches An SMME’s Incubation Centre At The Kheis Municipality


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Upington, Groblershoop, South Africa: The Premier of the Northern Cape Province, Ms Sylvia Lucas, has today officially launched a Business Incubation Centre which will see about R2.3 million being invested over the next 18 months towards the development of Small-to-Medium Sized Enterprises in the Kheis Municipality.

The Incubation Centre is part of the ACWA Power Solafrica Bokpoort CSP corporate social responsibility programme which is aimed at advancing the previously disadvantage local to site entrepreneurs.

Speaking at the launch the Premier said she was proud that ACWA Power Solafrica Bokpoort CSP has taken a bold move in supporting the call by the government to support SMME’s. Through this intervention,we are able to unlock economic opportunities and in so doing achieve inclusive economic growth and sustainable employment, particularly for women.

The Premier said that the National Development Plan states that about 90% of jobs will be created through small and medium sized companies by 2030. With ACWA Power Solafrica Bokpoort already contributing meaningful towards the realisation of this important objective, the government will be partnering with the private sectors to ensure that such programmes are replicated across the country. ‘I therefore encourage all the men and women entrepreneurs in this programme to fully commit your energies and time in order to extract the maximum benefit out of it,” enthused the Premier.

Head of CSI and Human Capital, Mbuso Mbatha, who is responsible for programme said the initiative is part of the Bokpoort CSP commitment to ensuring that the Nelson Mandela legacy of better life for all is kept alive. “We see the growth of these SMME’s being well entwined with that of ours.

Mbatha said that the company already has eight companies that are already working on site and have signed contracts to participate in the Incubation Programme.  The selected businesses will be trained in amongst other things, financial management, quality assurance, customer services, project management as well as safety management and how to put business proposal together. The SMME’s will also be provided with day-to-day support and mentorship on the site to ensure that they execute their jobs to the best possible standards.

Mbatha added that the company has also identified various opportunities within its procurement systems to ensure that those companies who become ready are then able to start with work on site. “It will be unfair of us to train these companies but yet not be able to afford those opportunities available within our business first,” he emphasised.

Concluding, Mbatha said that over the 18 months period set for the programme, the company will extend the number of SMME’s in the programme and encourage the businesses to make maximum use of the services provided at the Business Incubation Centre.