Mandela Day Centenary Celebrations


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The Premier of the Northern Cape Province, Sylvia Lucas joined the world in honouring former President, Nelson Mandela on his centenary birthday on 18 July 2018. International Mandela Day was proclaimed by the UN to honour the impact ‘Madiba’ made in the world. On this day we are all encouraged to do good by helping the most vulnerable in society.

Premier Lucas started the first part of Mandela Day activities in her constituency, the Kheis Municipal area. On Tuesday 17 July 2018 she visited the JG Jansen Primary School in Wegdraaiwhere she delivered dignity packs to young girls.

Celebrating the late president’s centenary birthday, the Premier paid homage to struggle veterans in Upington who also contributed to the liberation of South Africa. She visited the gravesite of Mr.Sandile Prusent who was a community activist in Paballelo during the struggle for liberation. In conjunction with Standard Bank, the Premier held a SOD turning ceremony for a house to be constructed for Tata Gubula, a well-known freedom fighter in Upington. The bank made a commitment to build the house for the elderly man that has since passed on.

The second leg of the Mandela Day programme for Premier Lucas was at the Harry Surtie Hospital. Where she visited the paediatric ward and delivered educational toys, books and fruit packs for the children. During her visit to the hospital the Premier also donated be dding to the TB ward, a request made by nurses working in that particular ward.

Thereafter Premier Lucas hosted an inter- generational dialogue with 50 elderly and 50 school learners from the Upington area. The aim of the
dialogue was to discuss the legacy of Mandela and how the current generation can learn from the elderly to make South Africa a better place.

The last leg of the Premier’s programme was with the elderly folk in Riemvasmaak


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